Digitised manuscripts
Access over 1,000 of our digitised manuscripts, available again for the first time since a cyber-attack in October 2023.
We’ve now added a range of manuscripts digitised as part of our ‘Medieval and Renaissance Women’ digitisation project, and featured in our major exhibition, Medieval Women: In Their Own Words. We will be adding more as soon as we can.
The Medieval and Renaissance Women project was made possible through the generous support of Joanna and Graham Barker.
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Please note at the moment these manuscripts are view only and there is no download option.
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Reference | Title | Dates | Language |
Add Ch 15340 | Bill of sale by Antonio Colona to Angelo Gadi of Florence, selling Marta, an enslaved Russian woman | 1450 | Latin |
Add Ch 62467 | A set of instructions from Margaret III, Dowager Duchess of Burgundy, to her commissioners to make a treaty of commerce with England | 19 Dec 1404 | French, Middle |
Add Ch 75724 | Foundation charter of Bordesley Abbey by Empress Matilda | between 1141 and 1142 | Latin |
Add Ch 77738 | Marriage contract between Prince Edward of England and Philippa of Hainault | 1326 | French, Middle |
Add MS 4899 | Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermones | Late 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 4920 | Hawkins Collection, Volume XII. 'Utile e breue (sic) regule di cato compostte per Maestro Zoanne di Spadari [Giovanni di Spataro] da Bologna' | 1510 | English |
Add MS 4922 | Hawkins Collection, Volume XIV. 'Regole per il contrappunto, Giovanni Maria Nanimo' | 17th century | English |
Add MS 5292 | 'Drawings of Chinese Flowers, Plants, and Fruits, in colours, by a native artist, at Emuy; with their names in Chinese' | c 1701 | Chinese; English; Latin |
Add MS 5293 | 'Drawings of Chinese Flowers, Plants, and Fruits, in colours, by a native artist, at Emuy; with their names in Chinese' | c 1701 | Chinese; English |
Add MS 5294 | 'Drawings of Chinese Flowers, Plants, and Fruits, in colours, by a native artist, at Emuy; with their names in Chinese' | c 1701 | English |
Add MS 5304 | Chinese drawings of plants, with their Chinese names | Late 17th century | Chinese; English |
Add MS 6523 | Gospel of St Luke, glossed | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 7914 | Majmu'a / مجموعه | 914 | Chagatai |
Add MS 8091 | Gospel of St John with glosses | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 8873 | Collectio Britannica | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 9046 | Psalter in Tironian notes | 4th quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 10084 | Gaius Julius Caesar, Bellum Gallicum; Bellum Civile; Bellum Alexandrinum; Bellum Africanum | 4th quarter of the 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 10445 | A collection of compositions for strings, as well as melodies, and instrumental arrangements of songs and ballets | 2nd half of the 17th century | |
Add MS 10459 | Jonas of Orléans, De Institutione Laicali; Epistola Concilii Aquisgranensis ad Pippinum Regem Directa | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 10546 | Bible (The 'Moutier-Grandval Bible') | c 830-c 840 | Latin |
Add MS 11034 | Arator, Historia apostolica; Pseudo-Priscian, Carmen de sideribus; Modoin of Autun, Ecloga; Bede, Versus de die iudicii | 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 11283 | Bestiary | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 11390 | Jacob van Maerlant, Der naturen bloeme | c 1300 - c 1325 | Dutch, Middle |
Add MS 11440 | Two canon law compilations | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 11662 | A versified chronicle from the priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs (imperfect), followed by a modern copy of the cartulary | 4th quarter of the 11th century | French; Latin |
Add MS 11849 | The Four Gospels | 2nd half of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 11850 | The Four Gospels ('The Préaux Gospels') | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 11853 | The Pauline Epistles with Gloss | 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 11873 | Augustine of Hippo, In Epistolam Joannis Ad Parthos Tractatus Decem, De Doctrina Christiana, Liber de vera religione | 2nd half of the 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 11878 | Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (books 23-24:11) | 1st quarter of the 8th century | Latin |
Add MS 11943 | Macrobius, Commentarii in Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis | 1st half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 11983 | Seneca the Younger, De Clementia, Apocolocyntosis or Ludus de Morte Claudii, Proverbia, De Beneficiis; Publilius Syrus, Proverbia Senecae Secundum Ordinem Alphabeti; Ausonius, Versus de Duodecim Caesarum, Tetrasticha; Epitaphium Senecae; anonymous… | c 1075-c 1125 | Latin |
Add MS 12042 | Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Roman de la Rose | 1st quarter of the 15th century | French, Old |
Add MS 12219 | Incidental music to Macbeth, which has been attributed to John Eccles | Late 17th century | English |
Add MS 12346 | Bugis poems | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12348 | La Galigo | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12349 | Bugis diary from Bone, 1780-5 | 1780-5 | Arabic; Buginese |
Add MS 12350 | Bugis diary, 1808-1812 | 1813 | Buginese |
Add MS 12353 | Bugis poems | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12355 | Bugis diary from the court of Bone, 1774-1793 | 1774-1812 | Buginese |
Add MS 12356 | Copy of the Bugis diary of the Sultan of Bone, 1775-1795 | 1806-1814 | Buginese |
Add MS 12357 | Bugis diary from Bone, 1795-1812 | 1795-1814 | Buginese |
Add MS 12358 | Bugis treatises on fire-arms and gunnery | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12359 | Documents in Bugis and Malay | Late 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12360 | Bugis notes on medicine, agriculture, etc. | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12361 | Bugis poem | Early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12362 | Bugis version of Hikayat Cekel Wanengpati | 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12364 | Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiah | Late 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12365 | Bugis treatises on firearms and gunnery | Late 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12367 | Mystical treatises in Arabic, Makasar and Bugis | Late 18th-early 19th century | Arabic; Buginese; Makasar |
Add MS 12369 | A Volume in Bugis, apparently a European Calendar for the Years 1714-1718, adapted to the Arabic months. | 1714-1718 | Buginese |
Add MS 12370 | Bugis translation of Tanbih al-Ghafilin | Late 18th-early 19th century | Buginese |
Add MS 12371 | Akhbar al-akhira | 1764 | Buginese |
Add MS 12373 | Bugis diary from the court of Bone, 1793-1799 | 1793-1799 | Buginese |
Add MS 12374 | Verses from the Quran in Arabic, with Bugis translation | Late 18th-early 19th century | Arabic; Buginese |
Add MS 14042 | Middle Dutch prayer-book | 1517-1523 | Dutch, Middle |
Add MS 14250 | Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum; Plympton annals for the years 1066-1177 | 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 14252 | Ranulf de Glanvill, Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Anglie; 'Prester John', Epistola Manueli Comneno Imperatori Graecorum; Hildebert of Lavardin, De Tribus Mortuis a Christo Suscitatis; a prose description of England based on Henry of… | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Anglo-Norman; English, Middle; Latin |
Add MS 14399 | A collection of mostly English songs, as well as some lute music, cantatas and duets | 2nd half of the 17th century | English; French |
Add MS 14784 | St Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentia; St Augustine, De perfectione iustitiae hominis; St Augustine, De cathechizandis rudibus | 2nd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 15117 | A collection, mostly comprising compositions for the lute, as well as songs, anthems, madrigals, duets, and an extract from an opera, all with lute accompaniment. This volume also contains a quartet, and an index to 'The Psalmes of David in Meter'. | after 1599 | English |
Add MS 15166 | The treble part of a collection of psalms, as well as the treble part of three madrigals | after 1567 | English |
Add MS 15219 | Bede, De Locis Sanctis, Interpretatio Nominum Graecorum, Interpretatio Nominum Hebraeorum; Pseudo-Antoninus of Piacenza, De Locis Terrae Sanctae | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 15222 | A collection of Ordines Romani including Angilram of Metz, De cantorum et lectorum ordinatione and a series of oaths held before the archbishop of Besançon | 1st half of the 11th century-12th century | Latin |
Add MS 15304 | The Four Gospels | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 15350 | Codex Wintoniensis (The St Swithun Cartulary) | 1130-1150 | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 15418 | Hildegard von Bingen, Liber divinorum operum | Late 15th century | Latin |
Add MS 15535 | PLANS of military operations, in North America, etc. ; namely, of Fort Edward, 1755;-of Fort William Henry, and Camp at Lake George; -of the battle fought on the plains of Abraham, 13 Sept. 1759 ;-of Fort Niagara, and the attack made thereupon, July,… | 1716-1783 | English |
Add MS 15600 | Decimus Junius Juvenal, Satires with scholia | 3rd or 4th quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 15601 | Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae; Lupus of Ferrières, De Metris Boetii Libellus; Aulus Persius Flaccus, Saturae; Commentary on Persius' Satires; Calcidius, Commentary on Plato's Timaeus; Prudentius, Psychomachia, Cathemerinon; a short tract on… | Late 10th century-Early 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 15602 | Institutio Canonicorum Aquisgranensis | 2nd half of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 15603 | Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 15606 | Anthology of religious and didactic texts | Early 14th century | French |
Add MS 15722 | Liturgical hymns and sermons | 2nd quarter of the 12th century - 1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 15732 | Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Britanniae | 2nd half of the 12th century | French; Latin |
Add MS 16414 | Pseudo-Castor of Apt, Epistula ad Cassianum; John Cassian, De Institutis Coenobiorum; John Cassian, Collationes; John Cassian, De Incarnatione Domini Contra Nestorium | 4th quarter of the 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 16606 | Gregorius the Great, Dialogi; Ephraim the Syrian, Sermons | 2nd half of the 12th century - 1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 16918 | Usuard, Martyrology; lections for Sundays and liturgical feasts | c 1129 | Latin |
Add MS 16961 | Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, Commentary on the Rule of St Benedict | 3rd quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 16963 | John the Deacon, Vita Gregorii Magni | 10th century-11th century | Latin |
Add MS 16964 | John Cassian, De Institutiones Coenobiorum; Collationes Sanctum Patrum | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 16974 | St Jerome, Commentary on Matthew (books I-IV); Eusebius of Caesara, Chronicon (with additions); Stephen of Saint Trond, Miracula Sancti Trudonis; Passio Sancti Gorgonii; Passio Sancti Cornelii Pape | 4th quarter of the 9th century-4th quarter of the 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 16979 | Necrology from the Benedictine abbey of St Gilles (diocese of Nîmes); Regula Sancti Benedicti | 2nd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 16984 | Cicero, De Inventione; Pseudo-Cicero, Rhetorica ad Herennium | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 17333 | Apocalypse (the 'Val-Dieu Apocalypse') | c. 1320-1330 | French, Old; Latin |
Add MS 17392 | Psalter with gloss in Latin | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 17399 | Prologue by Gilbert de la Porrée (ff. 2r-3v); Apocalypse (Revelation) in prose with glosses (ff. 3v-58v). | 4th quarter of the 15th century | French, Middle |
Add MS 17739 | The Four Gospels | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 17798 | Compositions for violins, and bass, in the hand of William Lawes | 1st half of 17th century | English; Latin |
Add MS 17808 | Scientific treatises on Music, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology | 2nd quarter or 2nd half of the 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 18031 | Roman Missal ('The Stavelot Missal'), volume 1 | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 18032 | Roman Missal ('The Stavelot Missal'), volume 2 | 1st quarter of the 13th century-15th century | Latin |
Add MS 18043 | Psalter with commentary in Latin | 4th quarter of the 10th century - 1st quarter of the 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 18298 | Psalter with gloss in Latin | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 18338 | Isidore of Seville, De Ecclesiasticis Officiis; Alcuin of York, De Virtutibus et Vitiis Liber | 3rd quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 18633 | Apocalypse in Latin with a verse translation and prose commentary in French [imperfect] (ff. 1r-50v); with a paraphrase in Middle English prose (ff. 10v-39r). | 2nd half of the 13th century | English, Middle; French, Old; Latin |
Add MS 18857 | Guyart des Moulins, Bible historiale (Bible hystoriaulx) (2nd of 2 volumes) | c 1415 | French |
Add MS 19725 | A collection of anonymous sermons; Martyrology and Kalendar; Pseudo-Bede, computistical extracts; Regulæ et Instructiones Sacerdotum; Gennadius of Marseille, De Ecclesiasticis Dogmatibus; Capitula Parisiensia; Liber de Gestis Sanctorum Patrum… | 4th quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 19758 | A TREATISE of music, By Thomas Rauenscroft, Bacheler of Musick, and one of ye children of Poules. Paper; xviith cent. Small Quarto. | 17th century | English |
Add MS 19896 | Apocalypse Picture Book; Apocalypse (Revelation) with a preface by St Jerome and commentary | 3rd quarter of the 15th century | Latin |
Add MS 19961 | Cassiodorus-Epiphanius, Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita | 2nd half of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 21164 | Lexicon Tironianum | 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 21914 | Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, Collectiones in Epistolas et Evangelia; A glossary of Hebrew names (imperfect) | 1st half of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 21917 | Collection of saints' lives | 4th quarter of the 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 21984 | Cicero, De senectute, written by Ippolita Maria Sforza | 1458 | Italian; Latin |
Add MS 21986 | Cyprian of Carthage, Epistolae | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 21995 | Gariopontus of Salerno, Passionarius Galeni | 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 22278 | St Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah (books 11-18) | 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 22285 | The Martyrology of Syon Abbey | 2nd half of the 15th century | English, Middle; Latin; Portuguese |
Add MS 22398 | Aileranus Sapiens, Canon evangeliorum; Ansegisus, Collection of capitularies; Edictum Pistense; Lex Salica; Capitulare legibus additum; Capitulare missorum generale; Alcuin, Disputatio Pippini cum Albino; Lex Ribuaria | 1st quarter of the 10th century | French; Latin |
Add MS 22493 | Apocalypse, fragment with commentary by Berengaudus (ff. 1-4). | 4th quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 22597 | Tenor and treble parts and incidental music for a collection of compositions, by various composers. | 16th century-17th century | English; French; Latin |
Add MS 22719 | Constantinus Africanus, Pantegni; Qusta Ibn Luqa, De Physicis Ligaturis | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 22820 | Hrabanus Maurus, Commentary on Jeremiah | 2nd half of the 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 23211 | Fragment of Latin verses on the date of Easter, regnal lists, and fragment of the Old English Martyrology | 4th quarter of 9th century | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 23623 | Collection of 17th-century compositions by Dr. John Bull, and possibly others | 1628 | Dutch; English; Italian; Latin |
Add MS 23779 | Collection of compositions for strings and organ, by Giovanni Coperario [John Cooper, Music Master to the children of James I.]. | 17th century - 18th century | English |
Add MS 23944 | St Augustine, De Nuptiis et Concupiscentia ad Valerium; Contra Julianum | 3rd quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 24066 | Ranulf of Glanvill, Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regum Angliae; Leges Edwardi Confessoris, Statutes of England; various legal texts | c 1190-14th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Add MS 24142 | Bible ('Bible of St Hubert', 'Codex Hubertianus') | 1st quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 24143 | Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (books 2-5) | 4th quarter of the 8th century | Latin |
Add MS 24144 | Paulus Orosius, Historiarum libri adversus paganos (fragments) | 1st quarter of the 8th century | Latin |
Add MS 24145 | Sigebert of Gembloux, Chronica sive Chronographia Universalis | 2nd quarter of the 12th century-4th quarter of the 12th century | English; Latin |
Add MS 24193 | Venantius Fortunatus, Carmina | 1st quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 24199 | Azo, Commentary on Justinian's Codex; Prudentius, Psychomachia; Various poems, including poems by Hildebert of Lavardin and Marbode of Rennes | 10th century-16th century | Latin |
Add MS 24914 | Bede, Super Parabolas Salomonis Allegorica Expositio; De Dei Judicie; St Jerome, In Ecclesiasten; Commentarius in Cantica Canticorum (12 homilies); Hildebert of Lavardin, Vita Beate Marie Egyptiace; Marbodius of Rennes, Vita Sancti Laurentii; De… | 1st half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 25014 | Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum; Cuthbert of Wearmouth, Epistola de obitu Bedae; Continuatio Bedae; Memoriae Sancte Andrae in Scotia; an excerpt from the prologue of the Propheciae Merlini | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 25312 | Haimo of Halberstad, Commentary on the Apocalypse; Odo of Cambrai, De canonibus evangelorium; Table of consanguinity. | 3rd quarter of 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 25434 | Richard of Ireland (pseudonym), Les Prophecies de Merlin. | 14th century | French; Latin |
Add MS 26667 | Chronique Universelle | 1480-1490 | French |
Add MS 26760 | Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (books 23 to 35) | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 26761 | Origen, Commentary on Matthew (Chapter 36-end) | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 26762 | Theological tracts | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 26866 | Psalter with gloss in Latin, imperfect | 4th quarter of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 27278 | MEMORANDUM-BOOK of Sir Francis Bacon, afterwards Urd Verulam. The general title is, Comentarius solutus sive Pandecta, sive Ancilla Memoriæ. Habet libros duos: 1. Comentarium transportatorum ex comentario vetere. 2. Commentarium novum et… | 17th century | English |
Add MS 27920 | A noted Breviary (imperfect) | 1st half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 28188 | Pontifical with litanies and benedictional (imperfect) | 3rd quarter of 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 28260 | Moral and didactic texts in French | 2nd half of the 13th century | French; Latin |
Add MS 29246 | Lute accompaniments to, or arrangements of, madrigals, masses, motets, and pieces originally written for string ensembles | after 1611 | |
Add MS 29247 | Lute accompaniments to, or arrangements of, anthems, madrigals, and motets | after 1611 | |
Add MS 29276 | Lectionary | 1st quarter of the 12th century -3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 29485 | Almands, galliards, pavans, sarabands, etc., arranged for the virginals, on six-lined staves, with headings in Dutch. | 16th century | Dutch; English |
Add MS 29972 | St Augustine, Homilies | 1st quarter of the 8th century | Latin |
Add MS 29987 | Madrigals, ballads, and motets by Italian composers (mainly anonymous), including: Jacobus de Bolonia. Johannes de Florentia. Franciscus de Florentia. Frater Bartolinus de Padova. Giovanni de Chascina. Ser Lorenzo, prete di Firenze Ser Gheradello.… | 14th century-16th century | Italian; Latin |
Add MS 29996 | Motets, madrigals, fancies, by Thomas Tomkins and others, interspersed with political verses and satires, recipes etc. | 16th century-17th century | English |
Add MS 30024 | Brunetto Latini, Li livres dou tresor | 1260-1299 | French |
Add MS 30387 | Dance and other music in lute notation, composed by Silvio Leopold Weis and Sigismund Weis, of Prague, in 1717-1724 | 1717-1724 | English |
Add MS 30403 | George Smith Cuneiform Notebook, Volume VII. | 1873-1876 | English |
Add MS 30407 | George Smith Cuneiform Notebook, Volume XI | 1873-1876 | English |
Add MS 30408 | George Smith Cuneiform Notebook, Volume XII | 1873-1876 | English |
Add MS 30410 | Geoerge Smith Cuneiform Notebook, Volume XIV | 1873-1876 | English |
Add MS 30413 | George Smith Notebook, Volume XVII. Notes on travels in Syria and Mesopotamia: 1873, 1874, 1876. | 1873-1876 | English |
Add MS 30485 | Pavans, galliards and songs for the virginals by William Bird, Thomas Tallis, James Harding, Thomas Weelkes, Dr. John Bull and others; taken principally from Lady Nevill's virginal book. | 16th century-17th century | English |
Add MS 30513 | The Mulliner Book: a collection of music for the virginals | [between 1545-1570] | |
Add MS 31031 | Gregory the Great, Moralia in Iob (part 1, books 1-5) | 2nd half of the 8th century | Latin |
Add MS 31390 | 'A booke of In nomines and other solfainge songs of v: vj vij: and viij: parts for voyces or Instrumentes', written in direct, transverse, and reversed staves, so that all can sing, or play, at once. | Late 16th century | |
Add MS 31840 | Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Roman de la Rose | 2nd quarter of the 14th century | French, Old |
Add MS 31922 | A collection of songs, ballads, and instrumental pieces, composed early in the reign of Henry VIII | 1st half of the 16th century | English; Latin |
Add MS 31992 | A collection of miserere, anthems, motets and madrigals, in Italian lute notation | Late 16th century-Early 17th century | |
Add MS 32058 | Cuttings and leaves from illuminated manuscripts, including the Teutonic Knights Bible | 13th century-1st half of the 14th century | Latin |
Add MS 32246 | Fragment of Excerptiones de Prisciano with the 'Elegy of Herbert and Wulfgar', glossaries, and Ælfric's Colloquy | 1st half of 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 33241 | Encomium Emmae reginae | 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 33933 | The Wode Psalter or St Andrews Psalter: contra-tenor part-book containing musical settings of metrical psalms from the 1564 Scottish Psalm Book and other music | c 1564-c 1625 | English; French; Italian |
Add MS 34034 | Manuscript of Middlemarch: a study of provincial life, by George Eliot. Volume 1. | 1872 | English |
Add MS 34035 | Manuscript of Middlemarch: a study of provincial life, by George Eliot. Volume 2. | 1872 | English |
Add MS 34037 | Manuscript of Middlemarch: a study of provincial life, by George Eliot. Volume 4. | 1872 | English |
Add MS 34114 | A collection of Romances in French (The 'Spalding Manuscript') | c 1400 | English; French |
Add MS 34124 | Vita Prima Sanctae Brigidae | Mid 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 34209 | Antiphonal and Gradual of Ambrosian use | 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 34652 | Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (fragment); a collection of manuscript fragments and facsimiles | 11th century-15th century | English; French; Greek, Ancient; Latin |
Add MS 34874 | Edward Gibbon Papers, Volume 1. Six autobiographical sketches. | 1737-1807 | English |
Add MS 35021 | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Das Wohltemperierte Clavier, book 2. | [1739-1742] | German |
Add MS 35069 | Single leaves and cuttings from illuminated manuscripts | 12th century-14th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Add MS 35110 | Vita Sancti Augustini; Possidius, Vita Sancti Augustini; Vita Sancti Eadfridi; Bede, Vita Sancti Cuthberti; Adomnán, Vita Sancti Columbe | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 35167 | Glossed Gospel of St Luke | 2nd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 35180 | Peter the Chanter, Verbum Abbreviatum; Metrical life of Thomas of Canterbury; Marbod of Rennes, De Lapidibus (excerpt); French notes on the compass | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Add MS 35283 | Psalter in Latin and Anglo-Norman | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Add MS 35321 | Boccaccio, Des cas de nobles hommes et femmes | 3rd quarter of the 15th century | French |
Add MS 36668 | St Jerome, Commentary on Daniel | 1st half of the 9th century | Greek, Ancient; Latin |
Add MS 37346 | Whitelocke Annals, Volume VI. History of Whitelocke's Ambassy from England to Sweden. | 1653-1654 | English |
Add MS 37347 | Whitelocke Annals, Volume VII. History of Whitelocke's Ambassy from England to Sweden. | 1653-1654 | English |
Add MS 37517 | Psalter ('The Bosworth Psalter') with gloss in Latin | Late 10th century-early 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 37518 | Lexicon Tironianum | 1st quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 37790 | A Carthusian anthology of theological works in English (the 'Amherst Manuscript') | Middle of the 15th century | English |
Add MS 38116 | Psalter ('The Huth Psalter') | 1280-1300 | Latin |
Add MS 38117 | Robert de Boron, Joseph d'Arimathie, Le Livre de Merlin, Suite de Merlin ('the Huth Manuscript') | 14th century | French |
Add MS 38118 | Apocalypse (the 'Huth Apocalypse') in prose with gloss, with a prologue by Gilbert de la Porrée | 4th quarter of the 13th century | French, Old |
Add MS 38120 | Guillaume de Diguleville, Les Trois Pèlerinages | c 1400 | French, Middle |
Add MS 38121 | 'Picture-Book' of the life of St John the Evangelist; St Jerome's Preface; Apocalypse | c 1400 | Latin |
Add MS 38130 | Vita Sancti Neoti; Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum | 1st half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 38645 | Benedictional and Pontifical | 12th century | French, Old; Latin |
Add MS 38687 | Hrabanus Maurus, Commentaries on Deuteronomy and Joshua | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Add MS 38817 | Bede, De Tabernaculo (excerpt); Revelatio Sancti Ragneri Martyris; Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum; Cuthbert, De Obitu Venerabilis Bede | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 38818 | A collection of works by Palladius, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Justinian, St Augustine, Prosper of Aquitaine, Isidore of Seville, and Robert of Basevorn | 4th quarter of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 14th century | Latin |
Add MS 38819 | Psalter | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 39646 | Vita Caroli Magni; Pseudo-Turpin, Historia Caroli Magni et Rolandi; Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni; William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum; Visio Eucherii; Libellus de Gestis Anglorum; William of Jumièges, Gesta Normannorum Ducum; Suger of… | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 40000 | The Gospels ('The Thorney Gospels'); added Liber Vitae and list of relics of Thorney Abbey | 1st quarter of the 10th century-15th century | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 40007 | Ralph de Diceto, Opuscula; Letter to William de Longchamp; Abbreviationes Chronicorum (extracts); Letter to John of Poitiers; Ymagines Historiarum (excerpts); Geoffrey of Monmouth, Prophetia Merlini; Anonymous prophecies | c 1195 | Latin |
Add MS 40074 | Sulpicius Severus, Vita sancti Martini Turonensis, Epistulae, Dialogi | Late 10th century-Early 11th century | Latin |
Add MS 40076 | Rule and Privileges of the Poor Clares | 1446-1448 | Italian; Latin |
Add MS 41997 | Burchard of Bellevaux, Apologia de Barbis | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 42856 | 'AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY', BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE, the novelist (d. 1882); written 1 Jan.-11 Apr. 1876 (see f. iib) with additions in 1879 (see f. 212). The autograph manuscript (except for some passages from letters quoted on ff. 79-79b, 83, 83b, 190-191),… | 1876-1879 | English |
Add MS 43725 | Codex Sinaiticus (Gregory-Aland 01 or א; von Soden δ 2; Scrivener א): Bible in two volumes | 2nd quarter of the 4th century-3rd quarter of the 4th century | Greek, Ancient |
Add MS 46203 | Missal | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 46204 | Worcester cartulary fragments ('Wulfstan Cartulary'/'Nero-Middleton Cartulary'/'Oswald Cartulary') | 2nd half of the 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 46487 | The Sherborne Cartulary, a collection of charters and other documents; Passions, Gospels and liturgical texts | 2nd quarter of the 12th century | English; English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 47678 | Marcus Tullius Cicero, In Catilinam, Pro Ligario, Pro rege Deiotaro, In Verrem | 1st quarter of the 9th century | Latin |
Add MS 47844 | Counter-tenor part-book containing Latin motets, etc., for five, six or seven voices | after 1581 | English |
Add MS 47967 | Orosius, Historia adversus paganos ('The Old English Orosius' or 'The Tollemache Orosius' ) | 900-1699 | English; English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 48984 | Gregory the Great, Homiliae in evangelia | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 51950 | Holland House dinner-book: Volume 1 | 1799-1871 | English |
Add MS 54229 | Glossed Psalter | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 57337 | The Anderson Pontifical | c 988-1st quarter of the 11th century | English; English, Old; Latin |
Add MS 58436 | GEORGE ELIOT: correspondence of, together with some letters relating to Mary Ann Evans al. George Eliot; 1856-1880. Printed as indicated in G. S. Haight, The George Eliot Letters (1975-1978). Purchased from Mrs A. S. Womersley of Wilmslow, co.… | 1856-1880 | English |
Add MS 58853 | ITALIAN CANTATAS: 'Parole di Gio. Patritio Carey messe in musica da Diuersi Autori', settings for soprano solo accompanied by a figured bass; mid-17th cent. The signature of 'Guglmo Reymes' (i.e. William Reymes) is on ff. 1 and 83v (for comparison… | Mid 17th century | English; Italian |
Add MS 62122 | St Jerome, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew; Commentary on the Book of Daniel | Mid 12th century | English, Middle; Greek, Ancient; Latin |
Add MS 62540 | Atlas of Sicily, England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland | c. 1564 | English; Latin |
Add MS 63077 | Glossed Book of Genesis | 2nd half of the 12th century | Latin |
Add MS 71544 | JOHN LENTON: 'Instrumentall Musick for New Yeares Day'; 1699. 1st treble part only. In the hand of the same scribe throughout: the fact that the end of the music (f. 8) is signed 'J: L:' suggests that the manuscript may well be autograph. The title… | 1699 | English |
Add MS 74236 | Missal ('The Sherborne Missal') | c 1399-1407 | English, Middle; Latin |
Add MS 78425 | EVELYN PAPERS. Vol. CCLVIII. Miscellaneous collected papers of John Evelyn; 17th cent. | 17th century | English |
Add MS 82956 | The Noyon Sacramentary | 4th quarter of the 10th century | Latin |
Add MS 89442 | Lewis of Caerleon, collected astronomical and mathematical works | 1485-c 1495 | Latin |
Add MS 89480 | Letter of Mary, Queen of Scots, to Jacques Bochetel de la Forest, French ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I | 26 Jun 1568 | French |
Add Roll 17253 | Will of Margaret Paston | 1482 | English, Middle |
Add Roll 77740/1 | Household accounts for the upkeep of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Wingfield Manor and Tutbury Castle | [18 Dec 1584-27 Feb 1585] | English; Latin |
Add Roll 77740/2 | Household accounts for the upkeep of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Wingfield Manor and Tutbury Castle (duplicate) | [18 Dec 1584-27 Feb 1585] | English; Latin |
Arundel MS 10 | Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Britanniae | 4th quarter of the 12th century | French, Middle; Latin |
Arundel MS 36 | Collection of Saints' Lives | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 60 | Psalter with gloss in Old English; A Lunarium for bloodletting; The Six Ages of the World; A list of the bishops of Winchester | 4th quarter of the 11th century-12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Arundel MS 91 | Passionale, 21 September-9 November; Lections on St Nicholas extracted from the Vita Sancti Nicholai translated by John the Deacon of Naples | 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 94 | Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates iudaicae; De bello judaico | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 98 | Excerpt on Pliny the Elder from Suetonius Tranquillus, De viris illustribus; Prefatory epistle to the Historia Naturalis, Pliny the Elder, Epistula ad Vespasianum; Pliny the Elder, Historia naturalis (books 1-18) | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 125 | Books of Job and Ezra with St Jerome's prologues | 1st half of the 9th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 153 | Liber Domesday (imperfect) | 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 155 | Psalter ('The Eadui Psalter') with partial gloss in Old English | 1st half of the 11th century-mid 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Arundel MS 157 | The Book of Psalms, Psalter of the Virgin Mary, and Little Office of the Virgin Mary | 1st quarter of the 13th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Arundel MS 166 | Marcellus Empiricus, De medicamentis (extracts); Liber Teropetici; recipes and short medical texts | 1st half of the 9th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 173 | Bruno of Segni, De Sacramentis Ecclesiae; collections of patristic and canonical texts | 1st half of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 213 | A homiletic and theological miscellany, including excerpts from the works of St Gregory the Great, St Augustine, St Jerome, Caesarius of Arles, Fortunatianus of Aquileia and others. | 1st half of the 9th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 217 | St Cyprian, Epistulae and other works; Pseudo-Cyprian, De Duobus Montibus Sina et Sion and Adversus Judaeos;Hrabanus Maurus, De Cena Cypriani | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 218 | Adalbert of Metz, Speculum Gregorii; Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job (excerpt); Pseudo-Augustine, Sermo de Disciplina Christiana | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 230 | Philippe de Thaon, Comput; De Singulis Mensibus; Psalter with gloss and prologue in Anglo-Norman; List of perilous days; Instructions for masses; List of plant names; Roman d'Alexandre (fragment) | 2nd half 12th century-3rd quarter 13th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Arundel MS 235 | Hugh of Langres, Commentarius in Psalmos; Interpretatio Alphabeti Hebraici | 4th quarter of the 11th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 241 | Pseudo-Athanasius, De Trinitate | Late 10th century-Early 11th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 348 | Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Inventione; Pseudo-Cicero, Rhetorica ad Herennium; Thierry of Chartres, Commentary on Cicero's De Inventione; Boethius, Commentary on Aristotle's De Interpretatione | 12th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 375 | Liber Historie Francorum; Excidium Troiae; Annales Mettenses Priores | 9th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 377 | Miscellaneous Astrological texts; Calendar of Saints; Hermann of Reichenau, De Mensura Astrolabii et Ejus Utilitate, cum Tabulis; Ahmad Ibn Muhammed al-Farghānī, Rudamenta Astronomica; Abraham ben Meïr Ibn Ezra, De Tabulis Planetarum; Adelard of… | 4th quarter 12th century-1st quarter 13th century | Latin |
Arundel MS 490 | Decretum Gratiani; Collectio Eberbacensis | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Ashley MS 1376 | Eleven Valentines written by Christina Rossetti to her mother | 1876-1886 | English |
Ashley MS 4022 | Two letters from Mary Shelley to Jane Hogg, formerly Williams | 1828-1843 | English |
Ashley MS 5023 | Six letters from Mary Shelley to Claire Clairmont | 1844-1848 | English |
Burney MS 17 | Glossed Proverbs, and Glossed Ecclesiastes with prologues | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 28 | Glossed Gospel of Mark | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 29 | Gospel of Luke with Glossa Ordinaria;St Jerome, Prologus Quattuor Evangeliorum | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 42 | Ambrosiaster, Commentaria in Epistolas Beati Pauli | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 216 | Paulus Orosius, Historia Adversus Paganos (imperfect); Pseudo-Dares Phrygius, De Excidio Troiae Historia; Constantinus Africanus, De Melancholia; Peter Abelard, Carmen ad Astralabium | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 275 | Scholastic miscellany | 1309-1316 | Latin |
Burney MS 317 | Pope Gregory I, Homiliae in Ezecheliem; Excerpt from the Creed of the 11th Council of Toledo (675) | 11th century | Latin |
Burney MS 326 | Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Burney MS 340 | Origen of Alexandria, Homilies on Numbers 15-19 | 4th quarter of the 7th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Appendix LVI | St Augustine of Hippo, De Doctrina Christiana (imperfect); Pseudo-Augustine of Hippo, Hypomnesticon contra Pelagianos et Celestianos; Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria, De Processione Spiritus Sancti; Pope Paschal II, Epistolae; A record of the primacy… | 1st quarter of the 12th century-1st half of the 15th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Caligula A VII | Heliand and a charm | 2nd half of the 10th century - the 3rd quarter of the 14th century | Anglo-Norman; English, Old; Latin; Saxon, Old |
Cotton MS Caligula A VII/1 | Painted miniatures probably from a Psalter | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Caligula A VIII | Beauchief obituary calendar; Libellus de Primo Saxonum vel Normannorum Adventu; an epitome of Symeon of Durham's Historia Regum; De VII Mirabilibus Mundi; Historia Brittonum; hagiography and lections composed by Eadmer of Canterbury, Goscelin of… | 1st half of the 12th century - 1st half of the 16th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Caligula A XIV | Two Tropers (including the 'Caligula Troper'); a Proser; Homilies from Ælfric's Lives of the Saints; Life of St Mildred | 2nd quarter of the 11th century - 4th quarter of 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Caligula A XV | Jerome, De viri illustribus, Jerome, Vita S Pauli, extracts from Isidore's Eymologiae, book III of Cyprian's Ad Quirinum Testimonia, De computo paschali, compustical texts, prognostic material, charms, annals of Christ Church, Canterbury, extracts… | late 8th century - late 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius A III | Miscellany, including Pontificals, a Benedictional, Law Codes, documents, and miniatures | 11th century-15th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius A V | Pseudo-John of Peterborough, Peterborough Chronicle, AD 654-868, 890-1368; William of Malmesbury Gesta Pontificum Anglorum; William of Malmesbury, Vita Sancti Aldhelmi Episcopi; genealogy of King Henry II of England; Vita Sancti Erkenwaldi Episcopi;… | 4th quarter of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 17th century | English; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius A VI | Cartulary of Boxgrove Priory; Ivo of Chartres, Sermones; Epistolae; Marbod of Rennes, Epistola V; Hildebert of Lavardin, Epistola X; anonymous monk ('G') of Pontlevoy, three letters | 13th century-14th century | French, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius A XII | Dudo of Saint-Quentin, Historia Normannorum; Marbod of Rennes, De Lapidibus; Bury St Edmunds hosteller's register; William de Montibus, Poeniteas Cito | 3rd quarter of the 12th century-1450 | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius B I | The Life and Revelations of Birgitta of Sweden | 1st quarter of the 15th century | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius B II | Alan of Tewkesbury, Collectio Epistolarum Sancti Thome Cantuariensis; John of Salisbury, Life of St Thomas Becket with Alan of Tewkesbury's prologue | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius B V | Acts of the Council of Constantinople with an additional pasted miniature | 8th century-14th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius C IX | Hugh of Saint-Victor, Chronicle; annalistic chronicle, AD 1–1171; William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum Anglorum; Notarial copy of letters patent of Queen Elizabeth I of England (r. 1558–1603), issued at Hereford Cathedral; Charters of Kings Edward… | 2nd half of the 12th century-1st half of the 17th century | Anglo-Norman; English; English, Middle; English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius C VI | Polemius Silvius, Nomina Provinciarum Omnium; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Galliae; letters of Popes Leo I and Zosimus; a tree of consanguinity; Burchard of Worms, Decretum; a bull of Pope Leo IX; obituary of William I, king of England… | Mid 11th century - 1st quarter of the 16th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius D IX | Decretals; Collectio Lanfranci | 1st quarter of the 12th century - 14th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius D VI | Chronicles of England | c 1255-1259 | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius E I | Theological tracts, including Anselm of Canterbury's treatises, Arnold of Bonneval, De Operibus Sex Dierum; Arnold of Bonneval, De Sex Verbis Domini in Cruce; Peter the Chanter, Verbum Abbreviatum; Liber Esdrae | 4th quarter of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius E III | Ralph of Diceto, Abbreviationes Chronicorum, Ymagines Historiarum; Winchester Chronicle; Henry Knighton, Chronicon; William Rishanger, Opus Chronicorum; Tito Livio Frulovisi, Vita Henrici Quinti; Robert Grosseteste, Epistola | 1197-1450 | Anglo-Norman; English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Claudius E V | Notitia Provinciarum; Pseudo-Isidore, Decretales; excerpts from Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum; Pseudo-Gregory the Great, Decreta; Cartulary of Christ Church, Canterbury; Ralph d'Escures, Letter | 1st quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra A III | Latin-Old English glossaries | Mid 10th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra A III/1 | Augustine of Hippo, De consensu euangelistarum (iii.18–23, iii.25, imperfect) | 2nd half of 8th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra A VII | Treatise on the singing of the Psalms (fragment); Chronicle from the conception of Christ until 1062; Chronicle of Tewkesbury Abbey to 1263 (imperfect); Cartulary of Tewkesbury Abbey; Helperic of Auxerre, De Computo; Collatio Compoti Romani et… | 4th quarter of the 11th century-3rd quarter of the 13th century | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra B XIII | Old English homilies and other liturgy; the earliest Vita S Dunstani and a rhymed responsory for an office for Gregory the Great; history of the kings of Britain and England attributed to Peter of Ickham, with continuations | 11th century-14th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra C VIII | Prudentius, Psychomachia; Pseudo-Columbanus, Precepta Vivendi (imperfect); Collection of canon law, including Collectio Dacheriana; canons of the council of Trosly, 909; Pseudo-Isidore of Seville, Epistula ad Leudefredum Episcopum; Pseudo-Isidore of… | 4th quarter of the 10th century - 1st half of the 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Cleopatra D I | Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura; Extracts from Proper of Aquitaine, Epigrammata ex Sententiis Sancti Augustini; Epitaph of Vitalis; Vegetius, De Re Militari; Solinus, Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium | 1st quarter of the 11th century-12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Domitian A I | Bede the Venerable, De natura rerum (excerpt); Isidore of Seville, De natura rerum; a glossary to Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés's Bella Parisiace urbis, book 3 followed by glosses on a commentary on Priscian's Institutio de nomine, pronomine et… | mid-10th century- mid-16th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Domitian A II | John Somer, Chronicle; computistical tables; Battle Chronicle; Liber de Situ Ecclesie Belli; an untitled Chronicle to AD 1292; Chronicles of the Brut; a summary of Anglo-Scottish affairs | 4th quarter of the 12th century-2nd quarter of the 15th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Domitian A IX | Alphabets; Dionysius Exiguus, computistical letter addressed to Boniface and Bonus; fragment of an Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, AD 1113–1114 (imperfect); Runic alphabet; extracts from the Old English translation of Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis… | 2nd half of 8th century-16th century | English, Middle; English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Domitian A VIII | Libellus de primo Saxonum aduentu; Letter of Pope Paschal II; Concordat of Worms; Planctus of Oedipus; Hildebert of Le Mans, De sancta Trinitate; Chronicle from Noah to Louis the Pious; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, F-text; Robert de Torigni, Chronicle, AD… | 4th quarter 11th century-1st half 17th century | English; English, Middle; English, Old; English.; Welsh |
Cotton MS Domitian A XII | Chronicle from Brutus to AD 1335/6; Cronica de Kirkstall; Ivo of Chartres, Sermo de Dedicatione Ecclesie; Sermo de Sacramentis Neophitorum | 2nd half of the 12th century-4th quarter of the 14th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Faustina A IX | Homilies, including Ælfric, Catholic Homilies (imperfect) | 1st half of the 12th century-2nd half of the 16th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Faustina A V | Letters of the Chancellor of the University of Oxford and the archbishop of Canterbury; petitions of the clergy of the province of Canterbury; a letter of Pope John XXII; sermons on the Seven Deadly Sins, the Ascension (macaronic), and All Saints;… | 1st quarter of the 12th century-2nd half of the 14th century | English, Middle; English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Faustina A X | Ælfric, Grammar (imperfect); Ælfric, Glossary; proverbs and maxims; grammatical dialogue; Old English translation of the Rule of St Benedict; account known as 'King Edgar's Establishment of the Monasteries' (incomplete) | 3rd quarter of the 11th century-1st half of the 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Faustina B III | List of Roman and Byzantine emperors to Constantine V (d. 775); Regularis Concordia; Life of St Edith; Chronicle of Wilton Abbey; Life of St Æthelthryth; Cartulary of Peterborough Abbey | mid-11th century-1st half 15th century | Anglo-Norman; English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Galba A XIV | Prayer book, including computus tables and medical recipes | 2nd quarter of the 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Galba E IV | Memoriale Multorum Henrici Prioris; a collection of scientific texts | 1175-1350 | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Julius A II | Bede, De temporum ratione; Ælfric, Grammar and Glossary; Disticha Catonis | Mid-11th century to 2nd half of the 12th century | English, Old; French; Latin |
Cotton MS Julius A VI | A calendar, computistical texts and tables, Expositio Hymnorum, canticles and poems | 1st half of the 11th century-2nd half of the 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Julius A VII | Chronicle of the Kings of Mann and the Isles; John of Salisbury, Entheticus in Policraticum; verse miscellanies; Revelatio sancti Michaelis in Monte Tumba, etc. | 1st quarter 13th century-2nd half 15th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Julius A X | Life and Miracles of St Oswine; Old English Martyrology (imperfect) | late 10th century- early 13th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Julius D III | Cartulary of St Albans Abbey; Ralph of Dunstable, Vita Sancti Albani; Golliardic stanzas; Versus de Motu et Pena Peccandi; Versus de Mensibus Anni; Versus de Virtutibus Imitandis et Earum Distinctionibus; Vita Beati Thome Martiris Archiepiscopi… | 13th century-16th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Julius E VII | Ælfric, Lives of Saints; Ælfric, Interrogationes Sigewulfi in Genesin; De falsis diis | 1st third of the 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero A I | Early modern index; Anglo-Saxon law codes I Cnut, II Cnut, II-III Edgar, the law codes of Alfred and of Ine (imperfect), Romscot, and Judex; completion of the law codes of Alfred and of Ine by John Joscelyn (d. 1603); Wulfstan of York, Institutes of… | 11th-16th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero A II | Pseudo-Jerome, Psalter of St Jerome (fragment); Leaf from a Book of Hours, reused as a Cottonian frontispiece; Calendar; Computistical texts; Hymns and prayers; Sermons; Augustine, De Fide Catholica (Sermon 233); De Litteris; Chronicle from Creation… | 4th quarter of the 8th century-2nd half of the 15th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Nero A V | Philippe de Thaon, Comput; Bestiarius; Elias of Evesham, Quadrilogus de Vita Sancti Thome Cantuariensis | Mid 12th century-Mid 13th century | Anglo-Norman; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero A VII | Lanfranc, Epistolae; Anselm of Canterbury, Epistolae; Henry of Saltrey, Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii; Alexander of Canterbury, Liber ex Dictis Beati Anselmi; Bretha Nemed toísech | c 1075-c 1571 | Irish, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero C V | Marianus Scottus, Chronicon; computistical tables and texts; Bartholomew de Cotton, Historia Anglicana; a bull of Pope Gregory X addressed to the bishops of London and Ely | 4th quarter of the 11th century - 3rd quarter of the 14th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Nero C VII | William of St Albans, Passio Sanctorum Albani et Amphibali; Vita Sancti Augustini Cantuariensis; A Passionale (imperfect); An Easter-table including Annals of Thorney Abbey; Rentals of the Benedictine abbey of Peterborough; an annalistic chronicle;… | 12th century-16th century | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero D IV | Gospel-book ('Lindisfarne Gospels') | c 700 | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero E I/1 | 'Cotton-Corpus legendary', volume 1, part 1 | 2nd half of the 11th century-2nd quarter of the 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Nero E I/2 | 'Cotton-Corpus Legendary', volume 1, part 2 ; 'Cotton-Corpus Legendary', volume 2 (imperfect); 'Wulfstan Cartulary'/'Nero-Middleton Cartulary'/'Oswald Cartulary', including a list of the estates of Worcester Cathedral; Office lections; law-code IV… | 2nd half of the 11th century-2nd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Otho A VI | Old English prose and verse translation of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae; Aelred of Rievaulx, Vita Sancti Edwardi Regis et Confessoris; fragment of an account of a pilgrimage to Edward the Confessor's shrine | 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 10th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Otho A XII/1 | Asser, Vita Ælfredi regis | 2nd half of the 16th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Otho B II | Gregory the Great, Regula Pastoralis (imperfect) | 4th quarter of the 10th century-1st quarter of the 11th century | English, Old |
Cotton MS Otho C I/1 | Gospel-book; bull of Pope Sergius | 1st half of the 11th century-Mid 11th century | English, Old |
Cotton MS Otho C I/2 | Old English translation of parts of Gregory the Great's Dialogi; Old English translations of three Lives from Vitas patrum; letter of Boniface to Eadburga; a homily; three homilies of Ælfric (imperfect) | 1st quarter of the 11th century-Mid 11th century | English, Old |
Cotton MS Otho C V | Gospels of St Matthew and St Mark (part of the 'The Otho-Corpus Gospels') (imperfect) | 4th quarter of the 7th century-1st quarter of the 8th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Otho D VIII | Calendar; Passional (February–March), comprising: Passio Sancti Ignatii; Vita Sancte Brigide Virginis; Passio Sancti Blasii Episcopi; Passio Sancti Triphonis Martyris; Passio Sancte Agathe Virginis et Martyris; Alcuin, Vita Sancti Vedasti Episcopi;… | 2nd quarter of the 12th century - 4th quarter of the 14th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Otho E XIII | A collection of predominantly canon law and penitential texts, including: Liber ex Lege Moysi; two recensions of Collectio Canonum Hibernensis; St Patrick, Epistola ad Episcopos in Campo Hai; Excerpta de Libris Romanorum et Francorum;… | 4th quarter of the 9th century-1st quarter of the 10th century | Breton; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius A III | Parts of two copies of the Regularis Concordia; Rule of St Benedict; genealogy of the West Saxon kings; horologium; mass prayer; extracts in Latin and Old English from various liturgical, prognostic, homiletic and other texts | 11th century - 1st half of the 12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius A VI | The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, B-text (imperfect); cartulary of Ely Cathedral (imperfect), including the Inquisitio Eliensis and the Inquisitio comitatus Cantabrigiensis; a chronicle of English history between 1042-1346 (imperfect). | 4th quarter of 10th century-2nd half 14th century | Anglo-Norman; English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius A XIII | Two cartularies of Worcester Cathedral Priory (including 'Hemming's Cartulary') and supplementary material, including a homily and an account of Bishop Wulfstan II of Worcester | 1st quarter of the 11th century-16th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius A XIV | Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (imperfect) | 4th quarter of 8th century-1st quarter of 9th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius A XV | A letterbook including Alcuin's Epistolae with other letters addressed to archbishops of Canterbury and others; a fragment of a Gospel of St John and a charter of Duke William II of Normandy; Junillus Africanus, Instituta regularia divine legis… | 4th quarter of the 7th century-1st quarter of the 15th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius B II | Abbo of Fleury, Passio Sancti Edmundi; Hermann the Archdeacon, Miracula Sancti Edmundi; Survey of the manors of the bishop of Ely; Miscellaneous documents | 11th century-13th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius B III | Calendar of Saints; computistical tables; lunar calendar with prognostics; solar and lunar tables; instructions for determining the dates of liturgical feasts from the Temporal cycle; Benedictional; sequence of prayers on the Litany; a memoria for St… | 2nd half of the 12th century - 1st quarter of the 16th century | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius B VIII/1 | Liber Pontificalis (Pontifical of Glasgow) | 3rd quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius B XIII | Gerald of Wales, Speculum Ecclesiae; Gerald of Wales, De Rebus a Se Gestis; Roger of Ford, Speculum Ecclesiae | 13th century | English, Middle; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius C I | Cicero, Aratea with scholia; Germano-Roman Pontifical | 11th century-12th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius C II | Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (imperfect) | 1st half of the 9th century | English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius C III | Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae sive De divinis officiis | 4th quarter of the 12th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius D IV/1 | A collection of hagiographical texts | 1125-1225 | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius D IV/2 | A collection of hagiographical texts | 4th quarter of the 10th century-1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Tiberius E IV | Winchcombe Chronicle; Calendar; Bede, De Temporum Ratione; Bede, De Natura Rerum; Bede, De Temporibus; Abbo of Fleury, De Differentia Circuli et Sphere; Helperic of Auxerre, De Computo; Robert the Lotharingian, Excerptio de Chronica Mariani; Abbo of… | 1st half of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 14th century | French, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Titus A IV | Bilingual Rule of St Benedict and other texts | Mid-11th century-1st quarter of the 13th century | Anglo-Norman; English, Old; Latin |
Cotton MS Titus A XXVII | Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Brittaniae; Note on British genealogies; Note on place-names in the Historia Regum Brittaniae; Quadripartitus; Instituta Cnuti Aliorumque Regum Anglorum; Marbod of Rennes, De Lapidibus; 'Prester John', Epistola… | 4th quarter of the 12th century-1st quarter of the 13th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Titus D XVI | Prudentius, Psychomachia; poem in praise of St Laurence; Gilbert Crispin, Disputatio Iudei cum Christiano; Altercatio Ecclesie contra Synagogam; 'Master Rufus', Vita Sancte Afre metrice | 12th century-13th century | Latin |
Cotton MS Titus D XXVI | Liturgical and computistical collection ('Ælfwine's Prayerbook'), including rules of confraternity | 3rd decade of the 11th century | English, Old; Latin |
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